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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EST

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in the thaws below for frost isn't about and molly is very forward as it killed and dozens taken hostage by islam is during a raid on a gas field in neighboring algeria. but the glass considering china's biggest scratches cyberspace will look at how a developer in a critical american company outsourced his work to the chinese providing them with all the secrets so he could spend time on facebook. keeping a foot in both camps david cameron has said today like a speech and europe as he struggles to please partners both in the.
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this is coming to life for most code hello and welcome to the program. france's military campaign against insurgents in mali has seen its first retaliation by islamists a french hostage has been killed by a militant group in somalia while another. killed british and french nationals in the target an energy field and gunmen are also keeping dozens of foreign workers hostage within the facility in mali after almost a week of intense as trikes troops are now battling insurgents in direct clashes on the ground the army is aiming to prevent al qaida linked rebels who have seized vast areas of the north of the former french colony from pushing further towards the country's capital france's relying on international support in the operation but former pentagon official michael maloof says powers his allies will be reluctance to see ways to engage in what looks to be
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a questionable and perhaps at military standoff. to ten years of doing something similar in afghanistan were ready to pull out. to move back in so there's some question as to just how effective this approach is going to be and i think that this is something that the french are going to have to to weigh for themselves but it also could bring a number of other countries back into a long drawn out conflict already germany is beginning to show some resistance to this and are concerned about the extent of help that they give simply because they see another protracted effort such as they experienced. in afghanistan. the u.s. involvement in the manual peroration is currently limited to intelligence intelligence sharing but many of those who are now fighting the western forces in the country were forcibly trained by american agents as part of a costly program to comb but terrorism retired u.s. air force lieutenant colonel current critic says that's exactly the reason the u.s.
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and its nato allies should let nations deal with their own problems. we should not be intervening in countries that we don't understand and i mean i think libya and syria stand as present day examples of that iraq and afghanistan also stand as examples of that we can't to go to countries where we have an interest and that tends to blind our judgment as to what really is going on on the ground i think if we could let countries kind of settle their problems internally yes people are going to get killed but i think it would be far quicker and far fewer damage to people's to lives to property then when the great powers get involved in that includes eco us in the un i think the government our government the united states wastes a lot of money this is another example of that. and of course there's more analysis on the conflict in mali on our website including
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a political axes from the british still do walk over there should says the modern government made a grave mistake seeking the help of a poet he believes responsible for design stuff to disaster in the region since colonial times so noble to r.t. dot com for the times don't forget the comments section to share your pain. it's a and. he's the man who risked spilling his employees highly confidential secret so broad for a little extra time on facebook and for watching videos of cats if they were veiled
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as software developer at also described as a katie infrastructure a company in the u.s. has quietly outsourced his own work to china and asia is seen as the biggest cyber threat to america he's going that stricken takes up the story. you may already know that outsourcing is very popular in american companies outsource manufacturing to places like china they outsource services including call centers to places like india american companies outsource jobs all the time but some americans took outsourcing to a whole new level by getting someone in china or elsewhere do work under their name and credentials one of america's largest broadband and telecommunications companies why is it most recently caught one software developer doing exactly that someone they refer to as baldpate a software consulting firm in china less than one fifth of his six figure salary to do his job bob gave them all the codes necessary to access the critical infrastructure company's internal system so while the chinese were ransacking the internal system of a critical infrastructure company in the u.s.
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bob devoted his work time to facebook read it. and cat videos seriously his browsing history revealed that's what filled bob's typical workday apparently bob had the same scam going across multiple companies earning several hundred thousand dollars a year and only paying the chinese consulting firm about fifty thousand annually at one of the companies he reportedly received excellent performance reviews for the last several years in a row even being hailed the best software developer in the building it was a sweet deal for bob which is apparently not his real name until the rise in revealed the breach by accident when they received a request from a us company asking for help in understanding anomalistic to what he was witnessing in his private network and open an active connection from shane young china we hear the u.s. constantly complain about chinese hackers but apparently with employees like bob when he texts. pakistan remains in the group of
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a standoff between protesters and the government and later in the program we'll pull from the sudden rise of this movement and also later. the israeli nobody is forced to keep moving by their government from one place to another to keep areas occupied in its ongoing dispute with palestine that's still ahead. it's been dubbed the big speech as the british prime minister is set to make a tightrope this friday between his e.u. partners and skeptics at home david cameron is planning to overhaul ties with the union i'm just saying he's not happy with certain aspects of the relationship while he's still admits he doesn't want to break away from the union and a risk on session e.u. leaders but as always he reports now cameron may ultimately disappoint everyone to his struggles to please. when the prime minister first became leader of the conservative party he said the biggest problem was that they spent far too much of
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their time banging on about europe i see glad those days are over i. count down. as the prime minister protests to deliver i learned about the speech of europe. warring factions in his own policy growing euro skeptics and it's in the u.k. and his increasingly unimpressed european counterparts to appease and the pressure . is he's struggling right now on this issue up till now i think he has he hasn't given us a clear message a clear standpoint and the notion of intent for the government on the e.u. and the u.k.'s relationship with it i think has been for a number of factors whether it be the world economy whether be the economy or whether it be his own backbenchers so widely expected that the prime minister will pledge they do you appear in treaty with vision included in that would be
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a clawing back house in key areas such as economic and social laws that govern labor and policing and criminal justice you need that british membership in the e.u. would then be put to the country's citizens in a referendum to the next general election i think you've really got what he is really painted himself into a corner where he's got to have a referendum after an election and he will try a school for politician if he is to paper over the cracks to give a bit to them and to them and say that we now are looking for europe to make a response to our proper request that it will be a very smooth confident speech until you actually analyze it and you see that he's asking for the e.u. to behave in a way that is not open. hell. labor say a referendum would be condemning question here is uncertainty you could say the
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prime minister with talk of repatriation being misleading they strongly style they say lacking in substance it is a red herring to be made absolutely clear by committee sure. that the european union is a one group one train journey there is no reverse with a speech under such scrutiny maybe david coming to get some inspiration i know the conservative leader his relationship with the e.u. was often strained to try to suppress mission and concentrate power of the strength of the european kong would be hard. and would jeopardize the objectives to a tree in margaret thatcher's memorable speech she set herself against the european superstate exercising and need dominance from brussels all yuri skeptics often forget is that margaret thatcher balance those warnings with a staunch defense
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a person place at the heart of. the truth is though that these days and that speech will be a hard sell it's growing and. sentiment it's uncertain whether he'll even be able to three days within his a party and you will know europe has been an issue in the tory party for the best part of thirty forty years i mean the rest of us. believe that this is going on this is for angry family squabble all out in the open i mean destroy the tory party was a much riding on this speech he tries to please everyone i think. the very real risk of pleasing no one is to. say the time has come for the big europe delayed so many times already it's being. and tomorrow. it's expected you get the more thorough. london.
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has a special coverage of david cameron's big speech on europe. in pakistan the standoff between protesters and the government continues but all sources are already expressing action if the demonstrators don't clear the area near the parliament thousands have been camping that for three days now demanding the government's dissolution. of the country deeper than pakistan's top court orders the prime minister's arrest of a corruption allegations but no action from the government followed instead officials accuse the judiciary and the military of a conspiracy and there speculation the mayor has also had its hand in the sudden rise of the needle the ongoing protests the muslim cleric to hear al cadre and dr cheney explain stasi what could be behind his last appeal. mainstream parties have
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been getting flak deservedly floor or failing the people's expectations will take on the economic trend and we don't last that we have been there so suddenly you know like the media are here is reasonable and many people of course have suspicions that. being primed by the military establishment in order before there we can be one of the civilian parties and that's the reason why he's getting see much we're leaving and he's been there something else you know syria and the messiah of the country music and the system and people are tickled parties and these are calling you know the common person's grievances against lee and there is some of the civilian side and innovates like a pincer movement from both sides but bob possibly not coordinated but what is happening is that it looks like the mass movement that carter is trying to revoke as well as the judiciary seem to be taking cues from each other and timing the laws
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against the government almost simultaneously which means trouble for democratic institutions in the long run and i'm a friend. allows levy for the military to remain the ultimate king maker and the property here behind the shadows and which is not great news for us all to she as a whole because if by the standards not genuinely democrat we are in trouble. it's a developing story indeed and you can head to join our pool on whether ways seeing the arab spring now arriving in the country and here are the options you can choose so first one there's no spring get is just a military also it's a western conspiracy to overthrow and i'm certainly regime also against the arab spring is merry because pakistanis are fed up with qur'an dictatorships and finally the protests will die out of once the media frenzy dies down and let's now take a look at how opinions been divided so far a little over half of those who've responded now currently think western powers are
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plotting to remove an unfriendly regime a fear of believe mass protests are the result of pakistanis being flooded out with corruption almost an equal number who are convinced the protestors will soon give in and finally a little less than fifteen percent think the country's military is trying to grab the reins of the government and do have to have calm to have your say if you still haven't and of course we'll be back with more news for you after this short break. please.
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this is all seen welcome bok ogling u.s. defense chief leon panetta is on a weeklong tour in europe shaking hands for the last time to american military links while in spain his job they do was will be boosting the number of troops in the country basing out the your pain on to missile showed that international human rights nor. believes washington is stuck in a cycle it's simply called break. the american military industrial complex which we've been warned about by presidents is a very significant threat to the united states being at peace in any type of permanent manner wars for the united states are a double sided sward on the one hand because the military industrial complex accounts for probably about seventy five percent of the american economy they produce an input to that economy on the other hand as we seen in afghanistan
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interact they also drain the economy on one side so it's almost a endless circle a have to continue off in b.'s interventions to be able to bring in the resources to be able to then say we're able to have new interventions and unfortunately that's been the story of the last. thirty or forty years so they're constantly moving troops around in part because countries dr very comfortable with having american troops stationed there as you've seen in the far east in japan troops have committed crimes on the civilian population and that has caused difficulties with their acceptance within the population. let's check some other world news in brief now an apartment building has collapsed killing twenty five and injuring at least twelve in the coastal egyptian city of alexandria rescue forces are continuing their search for survivors under the rubble it's not yet know what caused the accident similar collapses in the past have been blamed on poor building
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specifications and maintenance local media said police have a rest of the buildings. signs of ca's a gathering in the south east of turkey for a memorial for three female activists killed last week in paris they were founding members of separatists kurdistan workers party many kurds believe the turkish government could be behind their deaths while officials dismayed their kids actions take is prime minister however said the government would continue its push against the kurdish militants until they saw. the case house rules has unanimously approved illegal transfer of powers to scotland to allow it to hold a referendum on the country's independence it comes after the lower house approved the move on tuesday which will see a question put to the scottish people as to whether they want to remain part of the u.k. discounters government plans to hold a referendum in the autumn or twenty fourteen. and president barack obama has
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unveiled changes to current gun legislation laws of the drives in the wake of the connecticut elementary school shooting that claimed twenty six lines the proposals include placing police in schools and a ban on assault weapons the president used his powers to exists to executive action to bring a number of changes into immediate effect bypassing congress however the house will still have to approve key proposals and some experts believe it's close relationship with influential lobby groups could scupper the president's plans. to members of congress are worried about are not how they do the general election but how they do in the primaries so even if they may personally support you know more background checks smaller magazines what have you what they're worried about is that in the primary they get an n.r.a. funded more right wing owner who comes in and call them a gun grabber and they're always on they're out of a job so that's going to be a big obstacle. as a sectional us society used to living life at full speed on right to today also
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takes you to the cauldron for streets of los angeles drug wars on the stoppable bloodshed is a puddle every day life. deadly rivals for decades. if you had fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be jumping there would be mediators. self-imposed out costs from society i will cut myself chemical attack my brother understand michael on my own immediate. going to eventually attack the columns of my anger and my frustration. that upgrade into the ten dollars.
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to the most violent gangs in the us history. has just all model kill or be killed with the colors matching the national flag. but this country uses violence when it reaches and it legitimizes the violence they all made in america on the oxy. israel is advancing its settlement plans issuing tenders for two hundred more housing units to build and they want to bond meanwhile an israeli on to settlement group has released a report saying the government is stepping up construction in strategic areas to prevent the creation of a viable palestinian state and many israeli settlers share the feeling that the show has a purely political agenda. you know but one of the five hundred is wary about
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unpacking again he's already been forced to move twice first from the israeli settlement of your mid in the sinai peninsula and then twenty three years later from the settlement of gaza in a move television hoped would inspire peace both times his government had encouraged him to put down roots in the settlements and both times his government forced him out there's a good argument that i government betrayed me it betrayed the people it sent to settle the land and build their lives there but that's a mistake a mistake that should be fixed but that the but first evian the thousands of other former gaza settlers need to fix their lives a group of them live here in central israel in small temporary structures they built with the own money some of the laws the government didn't do what it was supposed to do and didn't rehabilitate us we have no roof over our heads. so when prime minister benjamin netanyahu announces the approval of thousands of new city units the settler movement well please can't help but feel suspicious that they are
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merely being used as chess pieces in the government's political game. it's obvious to everyone that all of a sudden there's approval of big construction plans what does that mean that i'm supposed to vote for netanyahu or someone else i'd be happy rather to have a prime minister who approved construction in any part of israel. tamera range works for a property development group in a neighborhood in east jerusalem that has passed the pre nine hundred sixty seven green line construction here is controversial but the waiting list of hopeful buyers is overflowing i think the government of newton now realizes that most important for them now is to give the settlers what they want because the constituency of liquid part of the party is the far right and they're playing into their hands and unfortunately not in the hands of the general public interest.
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but could these new city units be bashed on in the future like what happened to the settlements in gaza and you meet yes there is the amount of uncertainty but you know when we created this country when we established. four years ago there was even a greater level of uncertainty but we keep on the table we are thriving community for generation. that were born and we are here to stay and for as long as the governments on this side of the settlement abate they're staying at least for now but a showdown is inevitable israel says its settlements are an issue to be discussed during negotiations but palestinians say they won't hold peace talks while israel builds on land they want for a future state policy r.t. tel aviv. so these settlements they sure will of course be one of the main decision drivers when israelis head to the polls in less than a week for
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a snap parliamentary election to join r.c. on their voting day january twenty second for our special coverage of the event how will change with to run develop will settle the expansion isolate can there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america will netanyahu survive his snap election on january twenty second. israel decides on r.t. . my colleague of over he says shine the top of the hour of the new news coming out of social break that to know with the latest edition of spotlight. congress' approval rating has hit an all time low never has american record history
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been so disappointed with the lawmaking body the united states even former arkansas governor mike huckabee said that their approval ratings are just barely above a pedophile so i guess that's good news for the disgusting pedophiles out there so you won't be the most hated group in america anymore but i don't think this statistic reflects the quality of government but so much the quality of the governed in some small country with a hard to pronounce name if the government became that unpopular the country would simply collapse but no matter how many wars congress gets involved in and no matter how many jobs are shipped overseas or no matter how much the american dream gets stamped out everyone still rallies around obama and votes democrat and republican this popularity rating doesn't show how effective the government is it shows how arrogant they are because they seem to have no fear whatsoever of getting reelected or being punished in any way for their bad behavior so you know congress i have to save us keep up the good work go for one percent popularity and maybe someone will
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actually do something about you but that's just my opinion. how again a welcome to spotlight they had to be show on r.t. . haven't they my guess on the program. our dr dre and. it has been said that in modern show business at the former an artist is nothing without the right producer without the right promoter a man who has the right contacts and really can help make it to the top well this is true but it's not the entire truth as we will probably find out the speaking to two living legends dr dre otherwise known as. a world famous rapper musical producer and jimmy all of the the founder of interest koch records.
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starting off as an am c.e.o. of the dawn of commercial rap dr dre became the single most influential hip hop producer ever discovered and nurtured celebrities like snoop dog and fifty cent on top of that dres a successful businessman together with his partner and friend and dre started to make beats headphones which have sold millions around the globe. the career of musical producer jimmy has seen him work with john lennon bruce springsteen and lady gaga the head of interscope records is one of the most respected personalities in today's music business he's behind dozens of brilliant careers in one sad that he always wanted not just to be a part of pop culture but to move its needle and he really doesn't. mean thank you very much for.


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